Are credit card fees included in DollarPerOrder’s pricing?
No, your payment processing fees are extra and are handled by your payment processor directly . For online payments, we recommend using Stripe or PayPal as these are trusted and secure.
No, your payment processing fees are extra and are handled by your payment processor directly . For online payments, we recommend using Stripe or PayPal as these are trusted and secure.
You can either accept payment at time of pickup/delivery or use an online payment provider and accept credit cards online. With either option, customers are paying you directly. No middle man.
Yes, contact us for more details. We’d be glad to help make that happen!
We are based in Canada and invoice monthly in Canadian Dollars.
No matter the total cost of the order, you only pay $1.00/order to use our ordering system. For example: an order of $15.95 will cost only $1.00 and an order of $198.00 will also only cost $1.00. Simple pricing makes more sense. At the end of each month, you will get a report summary of …
We charge only $1.00 CAD per order.