Take your restaurant online for only $1 /order

regardless of order value

This ordering system does exactly what I need...makes me money!

S.H., Uni Sushi, Owner

Easy setup

Send us your menu

We will build you a personalized online ordering system, custom branded for your restaurant and menu, ready to use in just a few days.

Online ordering

We will add your ordering system to your website, give you a link to add to social media, your Google listing, in your restaurant & more. We can even add your menu and cart to Facebook!

Start filling orders

Customers can now place orders online which are sent directly to your phone or tablet. Orders can be placed for takeout, cubside pickup or delivery.

We’ve always struggled to connect with our customers with 3rd party delivery systems.
We couldn’t build a personal relationship with them, but after working with DollarPerOrder, our orders skyrocketed and the commission we used to pay, stays in our pocket!!
Trust me, it’s truly amazing.

We're here to help you

Unbeatable pricing

Others charge a percentage of the order value, we only charge $1 per order. We let our restaurants make the money they deserve.

No risk trial period

We set everything up for you for free and give you 30 days to try it out. There is no contract…and no stress. Cancel anytime.

Custom mobile app

Let your customers download your app from the Apple AppStore and Google PlayStore. They will order more often when they always see your restaurant logo on their phone homepage.

It's so simple

Zero Setup fees
No Contract*

per order
never based on order value
*Optional third party services such as payment processors, POS services and Apple/Google programs may charge their own fees. Sales taxes not included.
View details.

Let's get started

Let us build you a personalized online ordering system and custom mobile app branded for your restaurant and menu.
Ready to use in just a few days.